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Free - Guitar Lesson - # 2
This next lesson below has chords to my new song, it's still yet to be released on CD....But I thought you'd enjoy learning these chords and where on the guitar neck I play them.
This song has a jazz feel to it.
On this lesson I really am not teaching about how to play my song, so I didn't give you much on the rhythm....What I was trying to teach here is movable chord progression that can sound cool to those of you learning to play guitar. Pay close attention to the frets this song is played on and notice how I use chord progressions for the Major7 th chords to give a jazzy feel.
Also if you notice closely you'll see chord voicings being used, the Bm7 to the Bm9 chords....simply barr the Bm7 chord and by using only your little finger, you can do a chord voicing and change the chord to a Bm9 and so on.
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Please Click On Guitar Lesson To Enlarge To Full Size
Part One.............
Part 2...............
Once you've learned part 1 and part 2, please put them together and create 1 longer lead rock guitar solo..........I think you'll enjoy this easy to play rock guitar lead.
This rock guitar lead has a little bit of blues and jazz mixed into it so... be creative and try it at different tempo's or speeds, maybe add parts to it and let it grow into something new and fresh.
When I first started playing lead guitar this is the type of leads I created, as the years past by I developed and create far more advanced leads, but this lead will help you get playing and on the road faster. Remember if it seems hard to you, that good things come to those of you who keep at it. This lead really isn't that hard to play, a top guitarist would have this down in a couple minutes time. An average guitar play though might spend a couple weeks to get it right, so whatever your level, keep at it. The longer I play guitar and write music, the more I realize there still is to create. And creating is learning also !!
At first if you don't get it right, keep at it, these 2 parts put together make a hip little rock-blues lead in the key of G
Anyways...... I didn't want to over do this lesson, I just want you to play something, that will make you feel good, the next time you play infront of your friends or music teacher.
Also, be sure to use a guitar pick, if you don't use a pick, then start to learn, a great guitarist uses a guitar pick and his fingers both......I can play Rock,Jazz and Blues Guitar using a pick. I also can play Classical guitar Finger Picking, or any style finger picking.
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